Serving the Developmentally Disabled since 1965

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Meet the EL ARCA Board!

We’re proud to be associated with a diverse group of community leaders who have provided their time and expertise to help EL ARCA grow and thrive.

Executive Positions:
Ms. Charlotte Henderson – Chairman
Ms. Andrea Perez- Vice-Chair
Mr. Raul Gonzalez – Secretary
Ms. Laurence Ramirez – Treasurer


On our Board:

Charlotte Henderson

Parent Center Director for LAUSD

After serving on our Parent Leaderships Council for some time, Ms. Henderson was nominated to join the Board of Directors.  She joined the EL ARCA board in 2014 and brings a unique perspective.  Mercedes, Ms. Henderson’s daughter attends EL ARCA and thrives with our programs.  Ms. Henderson coordinates special education classes and workshops for LAUSD.

Andrea Perez
Retired from Bank of America

A Board Member since 2012, Ms. Perez discovered EL ARCA through her son, Steven, who now attends EL ARCA, when he attended Perez Special Education High School. She decided to join the Board in order to try to give back to EL ARCA after everything they have given to help Steven.

Laurencia Ramirez
Community Representative for LAUSD

Ms. Ramirez has been a Board Member since 2007. Her son attended Perez Special Education High School, where she first found out about EL ARCA. She too decided to join the Board in order to make a difference.

Mr. Raul Gonzalez

Retired Parent of EL ARCA student

Milad Hanna
Self -Employed Businessman at Sinclair Gas

Mr. Milad Hanna joined the Board in 2014. Although new to the EL ARCA board, Mr. Hanna is a longtime friend and supporter of EL ARCA. He joined the Board of Directors to help further the Mission of EL ARCA, which is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities. .

Raymond Gibson

Retired Principal of The Dorothy Brown School, a special education school

While a member of a Catholic high school Advisory Board in 1999, Mr. Gibson met John Gutierrez, president of the parent advisory board of Bishop Montgomery High School and then-Chairman of the EL ARCA Board of Directors. Mr. Gutierrez invited Mr. Gibson to take a tour of EL ARCA. Being very impressed by what he saw that day, he knew that he had to get involved, eventually succeeding John as president on both boards.

Raul is a student at EL ARCA.

Dr. John M. Menchaca 

President and CEO of EL ARCA

Dr. John M. Menchaca has been the President/CEO of EL ARCA since 2008 and oversees over 60+ employees and 4 service programs. He has dedicated more than 20 years of his professional life to helping persons with developmental disabilities. Dr. Menchaca grew up in Lincoln Heights and attended East Los Angeles Community College. He has a B.A. from Cal State Los Angeles, a Master in Public Administration from La Verne University and a Doctorate degree  in Social Work from the University of Southern California.

Dr. Menchaca’ s tenure at EL ARCA started as an instructor in the classrooms. He was then promoted to program director of the Adult Day Programs. Within a few years, when the Vice-Presidency position was created, EL ARCA management knew that John Menchaca had the will and dedication to take on that position.  Dr. Menchaca believes in empowering the employees and seeks feedback as well as ideas.


Sra. Charlotte Henderson – Presidente

Sra. Andrea Perez- Vice-Presidente

Sr. Raul Gonzalez – Secretaria

Ms. Laurence Ramirez – Tesorera  

Raymond Gibson

Principal de The Dorothy Brown School, una escuela de educacion especial,  Retirado Mientras que era miembro de una mesa directiva de la escuela secundariacatólica en1999, el Sr. Gibsonconoció a JohnGutiérrez,presidente del consejoasesor de padresdeBishopMontgomery HighSchooly el entoncesPresidente de la mesa directivade EL ARCA. El Sr.Gutiérrezinvitó al Sr.Gibsonpara hacer un recorridodeELARCA. Al estarmuyimpresionadopor lo que vioese día, sabía que tenía queparticipar,eventualmentesiendo presidenteen ambas mesas directivas como John.

Andrea Perez

Retirada de Bank of AmericaUn miembro dela mesa directiva desde2012, la Sra. Pérezdescubrió a ELARCA através de su hijo, Steven, quien ahora asiste a ELARCA, cuando asistió a la secundaria Perez. Elladecidió unirse a la mesa directiva con el fin detratar dedar aELARCAdespués detodo lo que handadopara ayudar aSteven.

Laurencia Ramirez

Representante de la comunidad— LAUSD

La Sra. Ramírez ha sido miembro de la mesa directiva desde 2007. Su hijo asistió a la secundaria Pérez, donde primero se enteró de EL ARCA. Ella también decidió unirse a la mesa directiva con el fin de hacer una diferencia.

Sr. John M. Menchaca Presidente y CEO de EL ARCA John M. Menchaca ha sido el Presidente / CEO de EL ARCA desde 2008 y esta a cargo de más de 50 empleados  y 4 programas de servicio. Tiene más de 20 años dedicando su vida a ayudar a personas con discapacidades de desarrollo. El Sr. Menchaca creció en Lincoln Heights y asistió a East Los Angeles Community College. Él tiene una licenciatura de la Universidad Estatal de California en Los Ángeles y completó una Maestría en Administración Pública de la Universidad de La Verne. La administración del Sr. Menchaca en EL ARCA comenzó como instructor en las aulas. Fue entonces ascendido a director  de los programas de día para adultos. Dentro de unos años, cuando se creó la posición de la Vice-Presidencia, EL ARCA sabía que Juan Menchaca tenia la voluntad y dedicación para asumir esa posición. El Sr. Menchaca cree en el empoderamiento de las personas y  busca sugerencias como tambien ideas./div>



Did You Know?


20,000 chocolates

are sold by EL ARCA staff, volunteers, students, participants and care providers every year to raise valuable funds.


The best part that I like is to be here because I have friends. Continue reading

- Rosemary Garcia
Participant, ADC