Serving the Developmentally Disabled since 1965

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“In the early morning when I start my job, the EL ARCA participants are entering the building,” staff member Melissa Trancoso says. “It’s amazing how many of them express their happiness. One can see how attending EL ARCA brightens their day.”

Having worked at other facilities, Melissa says EL ARCA is different. For the first time, she goes home after work every night with a sense of accomplishment. “I feel honored to have the opportunity to be a part of the EL ARCA family,” Melissa explains. “I feel that I make a difference each and every day. I learn so much from the participants with disabilities. They teach me lessons of humility each and every day that I am here. Their hearts are pure and full of life! I love my job, our students and EL ARCA!”

- Melissa Trancoso
Staff member, EL ARCA

Did You Know?


EL ARCA serves

communities in

42 zip codes

all around the Los Angeles area.


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- Darlene Chavez
Participant, ADSC