Serving the Developmentally Disabled since 1965

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Our Thrift Store

The next time you need to find a gift, don’t forget the EL ARCA Thrift Store. From books and DVDs to clothes, household appliances, games and toys, we have a surprising array of items that are sure to please whoever’s on your list.

The items in our store come from generous donors. Learn how you can help EL ARCA by making an in-kind donation.

The EL ARCA Thrift Store is now open one Saturday per month. The following dates are:

  • October 18th
  • November 15th
  • December 20th

Did You Know?

7 1/2 Years

is the average length of employment at EL ARCA.


Every person is different, and you get to know them. You get to know them by gestures or pointing or crying, even when they can’t express themselves. You treat them like they are one of your family members. You get very attached to them. Continue reading

- Ligia Martinez
Physical therapy assistant, CBAS