Serving the Developmentally Disabled since 1965

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EL ARCA Professional Training

EL ARCA Inc., has several internship opportunities for everyone interested in a paraprofessional career. Undergraduate and graduate students can learn more about training opportunities in the following areas: Case Management, Mental Health Counseling, Adult Daycare and Nursing.

Philosophy of Training

The EL ARCA training program is a multi-disciplinary education comprised of CNA interns and social work interns that is flexible in terms of student interest and university requirements. With over 10 years of experience mentoring interns from UCLA, USC, CSULA, CSULB, CSUN and more, our supervisors have over 25 years of experience in the field. Interns have the opportunity for a direct service experience that will prepare them for independent practice. Upon completion of the program interns will have attained an improved skill set and compassion for working with elder and disabled adults.

Training Program

Approximately half of an intern’s time is spent providing direct service to clients in an individual and group  setting. Interns will have the opportunity to attend field-based trainings and home visits. lnterns will also have individual and group supervision with their supervisor.

Areas covered in supervision include:

  • Ethical and legal issues
  • Grief and loss
  • Hoarding
  • Axis I and II diagnosis
  • Psychotropic medications with older and disabled adults
  • Therapeutic frame and boundaries
  • Various forms of abuse – sexual, physical, emotional, fiduciary, neglect

Interns also have the opportunity to co-facilitate staff trainings.

For more information or to in join the EL ARCA Professional Training Program please contact Luis Ramirez at 323-223-3079 or leramirez@elarcainc.org.

Did You Know?

TV personality, Mario Lopez chose EL ARCA as his charity of choice and generously gave a

$10,000 grant

to the organization.